Now chapters will have covers. Not only that, you are now able to select individual chapters. It will lead you to the first page of that chapter, which are the...
Unleashing a new simpler and cleaner style. It takes less time for me to draw it, yet I see an overall increase in clarity. For me it is crucial to have a spaci...
Think I went on bit of a rampage by drawing 5 pages in 3 days? That’s due to me being under the weather, instead of sleeping. I am happy to introduce you all...
Now Johbn can be fully viewed without leaving confines of your browser! Sure, I have a website where I put new pages as well, but now you can view it without ha...
Page 24 took a while to make, itaque I work’d hard on the background. The scene of the night, for some reason, is so fun to draw. Everything is peaceful, mayb...